What is the Best Season to Get New Redmond, WA Windows?

Incredibly up-to-date and also useful data outlined in this article published on www.signaturewindow.com regarding home windows. Plenty of useful tips home-owners can take advantage of. Hope you gain value from it.

The anticipation of spring has so many homeowners eager to get started on spring cleaning and home improvement projects. And spring is often thought of as one of the best times of the year to get new Redmond, WA windows. But what few people realize is there are so many factors to consider. And while the installation of replacement windows isn’t exactly seasonal, since it can be done year-round, there are plenty of unique advantages and disadvantages to consider before finding the right time for your project. Here is what you need to know.


New Windows in Spring

As stated, spring is one of the most popular times for home improvements. It isn’t too hot and isn’t too cold. And really the only thing you maybe have to watch out for is an occasional spring storm. And with moderate temperatures, the exposure to the elements isn’t as much of a concern because there will be very little that the HVAC system has to compensate for. It is also important to know that the caulk adheres better in moderate temperatures. All that said, because spring is such a popular time, it can be difficult to get on the schedule for a time that is most convenient for you.


New Windows in Summer

Spring bleeds into summer and the demand for window installation doesn’t go down very much. It is a bit easier for people to get time off during the summer, so again, they often plan to tackle as many home improvement projects as they can. Another benefit is there is plenty of daylight, so workers can stay onsite a little bit longer and finish even some of the larger projects in just a couple of days. Scheduling in the summer might prove difficult because it is such a popular time for new windows. But the biggest concern is exposing the home to higher temperatures and humidity during the summer months.


New Windows in Fall

Fall is another “Goldilocks” time of year when the temperatures are not too hot and not too cold. And the benefit of waiting until fall is that this is about the time most installation appointments start to open up as people get busy with back to regular work and school schedules. Fall is the beginning of the “off season” and it is a great time to think about getting new windows.


New Windows in Winter

So many homeowners want to avoid getting new windows in winter because of the colder temperatures. That is understandable. But there are some advantages to keep in mind. Usually, the schedule for installation is wide open in the winter and you can choose an installation time that works best for you. Also, because it is the end of the fiscal year, so many businesses offer special deals so they can clear out their remaining stock. You might save a lot of money if you choose to get new windows in winter.


The truth is, expert window installation crews can get the job done right anytime of the year. They come prepared with sheeting to help protect the home and they will work quickly so the home is exposed to the elements for as short a time as possible. That said, when it comes to replacement windows, there are unique pros and cons to every season. And if you are in need of new Redmond, WA windows, then contact our experts as soon as possible. We can help get the project rolling and help you figure out the best time for your installation.

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