Everything You Should Know about Garden Windows

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When choosing replacement windows in Seattle, WA there are so many different styles and features to choose from. The options can feel overwhelming, especially if you are unfamiliar with the different operational styles. To help simplify the process, here are some main points homeowners should understand about garden windows.

What are Garden Windows?

Garden windows protrude beyond the surface of the exterior wall. These windows usually feature a large sill as the base, three glass walls, and a slanted glass roof. They often feature a shelf or two so homeowners can take advantage of the extra space these windows provide.

Advantages of Garden Windows

Garden windows come with several advantages including:


One of the main reasons to add a garden window to the home is for added storage space. Because the window projects outside it literally add additional space inside the home. Most homeowners use a garden window as an indoor greenhouse and will place potted plants on the shelves to use in their cooking. But these windows can also work as a mini-bookshelf or exhibition area as well.

More Sunlight

Garden windows can capture sunlight from every angle. This means more natural light entering the home. The light will make the space feel larger and more welcoming. It will also reduce the need for and cost of artificial lighting.

Expanded Sightlines

Just as garden windows capture more natural light, they also open up a more expansive view of the outdoors. This makes them a great installation if homeowners want to enjoy the beauty of the garden and keep an eye on the backyard at the same time.

Natural Ventilation

Usually, two of the sidewalls are operational windows. That means the sides of the garden window can open and close, allowing for natural ventilation.

Disadvantages of Garden Windows

A few drawbacks of garden windows include:

Finding a Place for Installation

Because garden windows project outside, this means they cannot just anywhere. There has to be room outside. This means garden windows do not work well along walkways, decks, or patios. Garden windows also require more support, and the structure of the home has to be able to support the size and weight.

Higher Price Tag

Because of the size and complexity of garden windows, they come at a much higher price tag. This is something to keep in mind when shopping for new windows if you need to stay on a budget.

Less Efficient

Compared to other window styles, garden windows tend to be a little less efficient. When choosing the features of this window, homeowners want to determine which window frame material, glazing options, and special coatings will work best to reduce energy losses.

Where Should I Install Garden Windows?

The most convenient place for garden windows is somewhere in the kitchen. Most homeowners choose to install them above the kitchen sink or above the countertop. This gives homeowners access to fresh herbs and plants they need for cooking.

Looking to get a quote on garden replacement windows in Seattle, WA? Reach out to the experts at Signature Window & Door Replacement.

The above article was first published here.

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