5 Ways to Childproof Replacement Windows – Seattle, WA

Very useful content from clientsadmin that’s packed with information and facts regarding windows. Ideas regarding home owners trying to be more energy-efficient.

Childproofing the home is a necessary undertaking. It starts with covering sharp corners and blocking outlets for curious toddlers. But it extends to several other things you will need to think about before your little ones start to get around on their own. Windows are something that often slips a parent’s mind. But as children get older and more mobile, windows can pose a serious threat. It is important to take safety precautions and getting replacement windows in Seattle, WA is a great opportunity to make some of the necessary upgrades.

1. Move Furniture Away from Windows

Windows are interesting and fun, especially when they overlook a garden or a busy street. And children are naturally inquisitive. They will use whatever means they can find to climb up and look out the windows. This is why it is important to keep shelves, beds, and chairs away from the windows in a child’s room.

2. Secure Blind Cords

Another danger that comes from windows is the window coverings. If blinds have cords, it is important to secure them and eliminate the risk of entanglement and strangulation. Cords also have small pieces that can quickly become choking hazards. You can find cord wraps online or in home improvement stores.

3. Choose Supplementary Window Locks

Most windows come with some sort of latch or locking system. This is good enough in most cases to help keep the windows closed and protect against intruders from the outside. But they are not designed to stop children from opening and closing the windows from the inside. It might be necessary to fit childproof window locks as well. These are easy for adults to operate, but help prevent children from opening windows unsupervised.

4. Get Replacement Windows with Safety Glass

Safety glass is another important upgrade on replacement windows. These technologies make the glass more durable and less resistant to breaking. And with impact-resistant glass, if the window does shatter, the glass remains largely intact. There is less worry about children falling through broken windows that have this type of safety technology.

5. Use Window Stoppers

Sometimes it is necessary to leave the windows open for natural ventilation. But parents can often leave the window open just a crack assuming their children are not able to reach it to open it further. But children are resourceful. And soon simple curiosity can tip over into disaster without the proper safety devices. Window stops allow you to control the opening size of the windows. That way they can open safely, but will not go beyond a certain point so children do not accidentally slip through.

There are several reasons why people hesitate to install childproofing on their replacement windows in Seattle, WA. A few discouraging things include the concerns of closing windows off permanently and child-proofing devices that often look ugly and spoil aesthetics. But neglecting to put safety features in place will only put children at risk. It is important to do what it takes to make windows safe until children are old enough to understand and avoid the danger.

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