Do New Windows Impact the Thermostat?

An additional smart write-up by clientsadmin regarding cost effective windows filled with straightforward fact in addition to current information that all of the homeowners can be helped by. Gain value from it.

Most of us have been spending more time at home lately. And all this extra time inside can draw attention to all the little things that seem to be going wrong, especially when it impacts the comfort of the home. When homeowners want to make their homes more comfortable, there are a lot of things to consider. New drapes, an HVAC service, some new rugs, throw pillows, and blankets can all make a home more comfortable. But most homeowners forget about replacement windows in Seattle, WA. Here are three main ways windows impact temperature and comfort inside the home.

1. Air Leaks

Old windows have several ways of developing air leaks. Through prolonged exposure to temperature changes and the rough elements, windows start to fail. The seals around glazing units break down. The weatherstripping wears out. And thermal expansion and contraction will eventually leave gaps for air to readily pass through. And if the home is no longer sealed properly this can trigger the thermostat more frequently. The HVAC system has to work overtime to maintain a comfortable temperature and homeowners will notice their utility bills shoot through the roof. New windows will improve the seals around the windows to prevent air leaks, making it easier to achieve and maintain comfortable temperatures inside the home.

2. Insulation

Insulation and solar heat gains can also become problems with old windows, but not necessary because the windows are breaking down. Insulating technologies on new windows have come a long way in the past couple of decades. Now manufacturers not only make windows with double-glazing, but also triple or quadruple glazing for optimal insulation. And instead of normal air or a vacuum between the glass, manufacturers use inert gas fills between the panes for even better thermal performance. There are also special coatings manufacturers apply to the glass to reduce visible light transmittance and solar heat gains. All of these technologies combine to improve the insulation on new windows—and they are all technologies that can help reduce reliance upon the thermostat to control comfort.

3. Ventilation

Natural ventilation is key in maintaining optimal air quality inside the home. Ventilation forces warm, stale air out of the home. This can help decrease indoor air pollutants and improve the quality of air inside the home for a healthier environment. Natural ventilation is also a great way to cool the home on moderate weather days. Simply circulating the air helps keep things cool and comfortable without any need to touch the thermostat. And any time the HVAC runs less often means less money spent on energy bills.

As you can see, old windows impact the thermostat in a few different ways. Air leaks, low insulation, and poor ventilation often increase dependence on the thermostat and can cause utility costs to skyrocket. Luckily, you can address these issues with replacement windows in Seattle, WA. Upgrading will help make your home more comfortable and impact your reliance on your HVAC system.

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